Homemade Hair Dye Recipe - Make Your Own Natural Hair Dyes

Are you seeking a useful homemade hair dye recipe or two?

For convenience, most women run to the beauty salon or to the store for the coloring they need to touch up their grey or change their hair color altogether.

When going from dark to light, most women rely on an operator that has been trained to treat hair with a minimal amount of damage. With most other hair color changes, a rinse (from wash to wash temporary) or shampoo in colors can be applied quite readily in the privacy of your own home. These too, are temporary but last up to six washes before fading and needing to be reapplied.

Because this procedure is the norm by no means makes it the only or even the best way to temporarily color the hair. Before the convenience of a box was the ingenious resort of women and nature. Namely, plants that could be readily grown in the garden or even the kitchen window box for use when needed.

And here, you will learn about homemade hair dye recipes.

Pioneer women used a combination of equal amounts of sage and rosemary steeped (in water) into a tea (about 30 minutes) and then allowed to cool. This homemade hair dye recipe mixture could be used as often as the hair was washed (but at least once a week), with no damage to the hair or the way it behaved. It does need to be applied to graying areas and left in for up to 15 minutes before washing as usual. It happens in a relatively short amount of time, but not overnight. Once the desired shade is reached, it is only a matter of maintaining color as hair continues to grow out.

Strong brewed coffee (organic is best) can be used in place of tea, applied to clean hair and left in for 20 minutes. This homemade hair dye recipe can be applied a number of times without adverse effects for the desired results.

Apple cider vinegar can be used to help set color in hair, and it also makes a great all around rinse for the hair in general. Black tea and sage in equal parts can be used to darken and blend in grey for women with brunette to black colored hair.

For blondes, blend 1 to 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice with 2 cups of strong chamomile tea. Once your hair has been shampooed, you can rinse it with this homemade hair dye recipe mixture. For best results, cover your hair with a loose fitting plastic shower cap, and spend time in the sun if possible. If it is not, just sit under a hair dryer with heat set to medium / low.

It will not happen immediately, but over time, this process will naturally lighten blonde hair or help grey to blend in for a natural and youthful look. You may have to add or subtract lemon juice to get the right consistency without creating a sticky effect. Take care with the eyes - this homemade hair dye recipe can burn if contact with eyes takes place!

For red hair, a good option to bring out the natural red highlights or cover grey is to blend one part carrot juice with one part beet juice and apply to your hair. Cover with a loose fitting shower cap and activate with heat from the sun or from under a hair dryer set to medium / low.

Did you find the above recipes useful? If you are interested in learning more homemade hair dye recipes, you may wish to check out the other related articles and pages on this website.

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