Summer Health Tips - Advice for the Hot Months

Are you looking for some useful and important summer health tips to survive the hot months of the year?

Summer brings thoughts of warm weather and outdoor activities. Gardening, camping, picnics, etc all are signs that summer has arrived.

Unfortunately, summer can also have its downside. Summer colds, allergies, and dehydration are also a big part of summer. With a little education and common sense, most summer ailments are easy to handle. Here, we will give you some great information on summer health tips.

  • Go Slow: As summer approaches, we tend to get excited about being outside in the good weather. Whether it is cycling or gardening, it is advisable to take things slow and work up to strenuous activity. Take time to build up your endurance and stamina. Do your most arduous activities early in the morning or late in the afternoon when the temperature is cooler.

  • Safe From the Sun: Everyone has heard the warnings about overexposure to the sun and the sense of using sunscreen. Light clothing will also help protect your sensitive skin. But are you aware that your eyes need just as much protection from the dangers of ultra-violet rays? Good sunglasses are a must to protect your eyes from the sun.

  • Hydrate: Drinking plenty of water during the summer months is a great way to keep healthy - this is an important summer health tip. Keeping well hydrated can prevent heat stroke, will help keep your skin glowing with vitality, help prevent wrinkles, and keep you feeling healthy. Stay away from liquids that contain high levels of sugar, alcohol, or caffeine.

  • Food Safety: The warm weather brings with it an increase in risk of food borne illness. Bacteria spread quickly in warm, moist conditions. Here are some summer health tips regarding food:
    • Keep it Cool: Raw foods should be kept cool, especially if you are using a cooler. Try shading the cooler and make sure it has plenty of ice to keep your raw foods chilled. Using two coolers, one for drinks and one for foods, will decrease the number of times you have to open the raw food cooler, which allows the cool air out each time you lift the lid. Food should not be kept at room temperature for more than 1 hour. A good rule of thumb is 'if in doubt, throw it out'.

    • Separate it: You can help prevent spreading bacteria between food by keeping raw meat, fish, and poultry separate from other foods. Wrapping your meat or using sealed, non-leaking containers will help prevent cross contamination.

    • Clean: You can reduce the risk of food borne illness by ensuring that hands, utensils, and cooking implements are clean.

    • Cook: Most bacteria are killed by heat. Ensure all meats are cooked to a safe temperature before eating.

  • Nutrition: Good nutrition also forms an important part of summer health tips. Summer nutrition should contain plenty of energy giving carbs. Loads of veggies and citrus fruits should be on your summer menu. Fruit juices help increase your digestion capacity while helping keep your body hydrated during the summer months.

  • Allergies and Bugs: Bugs and allergies can prove to be unavoidable during the summer months. To ease the annoyances, a summer health tip is to ensure that you keep calamine lotion, baking soda, and allergy medications in good supply. When the bugs bite, you can promptly take the 'sting' out and quickly get back to enjoying your summer.

    These are just a few summer health tips that will help you spend your time enjoying the warm months. Do share your own summer health advice with us, too!

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