Happy Birthday Sayings and Quotes for Inspired Greetings

Are you looking for different types of happy birthday sayings and quotes?

How many different ways can you tell someone, "Happy Birthday?" That depends.

How many birthday songs do you know? Can you say it in another language? In all reality, there are a lot of clever "Happy Birthday" sayings out there. Need to find the perfect one? Take a gander at some suggestions below for some inspiration.

For starters, you could always sing it! Sure, there's the traditional, "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday do you, happy birthday dear [name]. Happy birthday to you!" You can sing the funny, but slightly more insulting version that ends with, "you look like a monkey, and you smell like one, too!"

Or, a personal favorite, "This is your birthday song; it isn't very long." That one always leaves them expecting more, so there's a short, awkward pause before somebody inevitably bursts into laughter. Singing happy birthday songs is definitely a tried-and true way to get your message across.

Another way to come up with happy birthday sayings is to look up how to say the phrase in other languages. A few examples of happy birthday sayings are:

  • English - Happy Birthday!
  • Spanish - Feliz Cumpleanos!
  • Basque - Zorionak!
  • Filipino - Maogmang Pagkamundag!
  • Cantonese - Sun Yat Fai Lok!
  • French - Joyeux Anniversaire!
  • German - Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
  • Hawaiian - Hau'oli la hanau!
  • Latin - Fortuna dies natalis!
  • Portuguese - Parabens!
  • Samoan - Manuia lou aso fanau!
  • Serbian - Srecan Rodjendan!

You and I both know that there are many, many more languages out there, so if you can appeal to a person's geographical heritage, that would be ideal. Just do some research online for other countries' version of this phrase.

Other happy birthday sayings can just be phrases or sentences with the birthday being the focus. One that most married men will appreciate is H.V Prochnow's saying, "The best way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once." Below are other examples of good happy birthday sayings that you may find handy.

  • "Birthdays are nature's way of telling us to eat more cake." - Unknown

  • "Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." - Jack Benny

  • "The best birthdays are those that haven't arrived yet." - Robert Orben

  • "Inside every older person is a younger person - wondering what the hell happened." - Unknown

  • "You're not 40, you're 18 with 22 years of experience." - Unknown

  • "The secret to staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age." - Lucille Ball

If none of these happy birthday sayings suit what you're looking for, there are hundreds of websites online that you can look at. Or stop by your local superstore and check out their greeting cards section for some inspiration. You're bound to find something there.

As you can see, whether you're actually telling someone "Happy Birthday" through song, in another language, or it's implied in a quotation, it's pretty easy to get your message across. Be unique, be fun, be daring; no matter how you say it, it will mean a lot to the person on the receiving end of your words.

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