Romantic Italian Phrases - Words to Fill Your Relationship with Romance

Are you looking for some romantic Italian phrases to use?

Using ancient Italian phrases to express how you feel on cards, in emails or just off the top of your head during a conversation will definitely impress your loved one.

Here are some romantic Italian phrases which you could use to tell someone how you feel about him or her.

Disclaimer - we do not speak Italian, so we cannot guarantee the authenticity of these romantic Italian phrases, which we had compiled from elsewhere.

Sei la mia vita - You are my life

Ti amo - I love you

Ti adoro - I adore you

Tu sei una stella... la mia stella - You are a star... my star

Non posso vivere senza voi - I can't live without you

Ti amo con tutta l'anima - I love you with all my heart

Ciao, Bella - Hello beautiful

Ti penso sempre - I always think of you

Ti sognero' tutta la notte fino al mattino - I will dream of you all night until morning

Siete la mia aria - You are my air

Con tutto l'affetto mio - With all my affection

Vieni qui e baciami - Come here and kiss me

Ogni volta che ti bacio dimentico dove sono - Every time I kiss you I forget where I am
what a sweet romantic Italian phrase..

Le tue labbra sono dolci come il miele - Your lips are as sweet as honey

amore vietato - Forbidden love

You siete la donna che piu bella ho visto mai - You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen

Ciao, bella. Posso offrirti qualcosa da bere? - Hello, beautiful. Can I buy you a drink?

Per favore non dimenticarmi! - Please do not forget me

Non voglio perderti mai, tesoro. Sei mia per sempre, anima e cuore. Senza di te non vivo piu - I don't ever want to lose you, my treasure. You are mine forever, body and soul. Without you, I couldn't live.
what an intense romantic Italian phrase!...

Sei piu bella di un angelo. Che ne dici di accompagnarmi a cena stasera? - You are more beautiful than an angel. What do you say about joining me for dinner tonight?

Sei cosi dolce, cosi bella, non troverei mai un'altra come te. Sei la regina del mio cuore. - You are so sweet, so beautiful, I would never find another like you. You are the queen of my heart.

Hai degli occhi bellisimi - You have beautiful eyes

Sei il migliore - You are the best

Ogni giorno e maraviglioso con te - Every day is beautiful with you

Sei la mia unica ragiona di vita - You're my only reason for living

Abbracciami - Let's cuddle

Luce mia - My light

Amor eterno - Eternal love

Pasticcino - Cupcake

Ti vorrei sempre con me - I always want you with me

Sei la cosa piu preziosa ce ho - You're the most precious thing I have

Penso che non abbiamo per caso raduno - I think we haven't met each other by chance
a romantic Italian phrase which suggests it was destiny that brought you two together..

Innamoramento - Falling in love

Ti penso ogni giorno - I think of you every day

Dove sei stato per tutta la mia vita? - Where have you been all my life?

Nothing adds extra love and romance to a conversation than Italian phrases, so use these romantic Italian phrases to get your loved one's heart fluttering and her stomach flipping with anticipation and love.

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