2nd Anniversary Gifts - Ideas for Presents for Your Husband or Wife

Need inspired ideas for 2nd anniversary gifts and presents?

If you're about to hit your second anniversary, but aren't sure what to get for your husband or wife, you're not alone.

For many couples hitting their second anniversary, the "brand new" feeling has worn off a little bit and the realities of every day life have started sink in. You have work, careers, friends, maybe kids, house payments and other bills and it can seem as if maybe the romance of your first year together has faded a bit.

This is totally normal and it's likely that you're still very happy together, but life gets in the way of always expressing how you feel for one another.

This is where great ideas for really good 2nd anniversary gifts can come in handy, because you want to be able to show your spouse how much you really do love him or her and are still happily married.

Traditional Gifts

In the "old days", wedding anniversaries had traditional gifts which a spouse was supposed to recognize and gift accordingly. For instance, the first wedding anniversary gift was always paper, which meant that a nice set of monogrammed stationary was in order. The second anniversary was cotton, so that typically meant that a traditional gift would be a nice set of monogrammed cotton sheets or towels.

Are you getting sleepy yet? If you are, then you are not alone, which is probably why so many couples have decided to break tradition and move on to becoming more creative in the presents they choose, including 2nd anniversary gifts.

As a way to change things up, but still stick to some type of tradition, the alternative to cotton as a 2nd anniversary gift has become china. So, if you still want to stick to tradition, the china pattern that your wife so diligently chose for your wedding is still available, and your table setting isn't yet complete, you might want to get her a full place setting for this occasion.

Something more fun and unusual

Now, of course you don't have to stick to the typical 2nd anniversary gifts, and if you are the type who wants to make sure you both have a wonderful second anniversary; you might want to consider traveling. A vacation is a great way to unwind and enjoy your marriage again, and if it's just the two of you, you will likely find the romance comes back as well.

Whether you're just thinking about taking a weekend getaway or you are interested in a week full of basking in the sun and playing in the surf, there is a great anniversary travel plan for you. For instance, many all-inclusive couples' resorts offer special pricing for vacation and spa packages and you will be able to do all the things that both of you love.

Okay, so maybe a Caribbean dream vacation isn't in your budget right now for a 2nd anniversary gift. That's okay; you can still consider doing something special that the two of you love, like a night on the town and a stay at a five star hotel complete with room service and a visit to the spa.

Or, if you prefer to go it alone when it comes to a great anniversary gift and you're looking for something really wonderful that your husband will love, consider having a boudoir photo shoot and putting together a photo album for him. If you're not familiar, this type of photography is always tasteful, but will show him that you can still be a little bit sultry and a little bit sexy. You'll love how you look and so will he.

Your second year as husband and wife might not need an extravagant or expensive 2nd anniversary gift to celebrate your marriage, but it's a good time to show your spouse that you still are happily married and plan to be for years to come.

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