Preschool Thanksgiving Activities - Fun Craft Projects for the Children

Are you cracking your head for ideas for preschool Thanksgiving activities?

When you have little ones in preschool, it's likely that you want to make every holiday memorable and special. The same is true of Thanksgiving.

With these special and fun preschool Thanksgiving activities, you'll find that your children - and you - have something to treasure for years to come.

  • You can make turkey sweatshirts. This is lots of fun for little ones and work for you, but it will be well worth it. Have plain orange or white sweatshirts in the sizes that your kids wear. Then, using brown paint for the thumb and palm with bright colors for the other fingers, dip their hands in and place it on the front to make the turkey shape. You can then add the gobbler, feet and faces for the turkey using paint brushes.

  • Another preschool Thanksgiving activity you can do is "Indian corn painting". For this, you will need corn on the cob and construction paper that has been secured to a table using a box lid or tape. Let your children dip the corn cobs into different colors of paint and roll them around on the paper to see what patterns they can make.

  • Make a turkey using maple leaves. You will want to cut circles that are about the size of a coffee can lid. Then, cut the head with gobbler attached, making a simple "award ribbon" shape. Use red for the head, brown for the body and cut triangles of yellow or orange for the beak and feet. Once the head, body, beak and feet are glued, add a maple leaf or two to make the tail part of the turkey. You can make this more difficult for older children by letting them cut the shape out and choosing their leaves.

  • If you're trying to use preschool Thanksgiving activities to interest the little ones in the meaning of Thanksgiving, then you should have them make a Thankful collage. This is relatively easy. You can allow them to cut pictures from old magazines and catalogs, or you can do it for them and then ask them what they are thankful for. Help them write it - just as they say it, and hang this up for everyone to see during the Thanksgiving season.

  • Potato turkeys are a little bit of work, but fun for the kids and handy as centerpieces during the upcoming feast. For this preschool Thanksgiving activity, cut feather shapes from colored construction paper. Glue two together onto a toothpick. Cut out two pieces to make a head and glue that to the toothpick - don't forget the waddle. Have the kids poke the tail into the back of the potato and the head into the front and watch as their turkeys come alive!

  • Little ones like to learn about things that happened a long, long time ago. You can give them a little bit of history by letting them make beaded necklaces to trade the way that the Pilgrims did.

  • Make a popcorn corn husk with the kids. You cut the corncob forms and pop the popcorn. Once it's done, put colorful paint into plastic baggies and add popcorn to each bag as your children want. Once the popcorn paint is dry, let them glue it onto the corncobs. You can staple them together with real dried corn husks so it looks like a bunch of corn.

Did any of the abovementioned preschool Thanksgiving activities interest you?

These preschool Thanksgiving activities are relatively easy and will give your preschoolers the feeling that they are involved in Thanksgiving in more ways than sitting at the "kids" table.

Have fun!

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