Romantic Coupons Ideas - Gifts to Spice Up Your Love and Romance

Romantic coupons are a gift that keeps on giving, and they don't have to cost you a thing.

For many people, money is really tight right now, but birthdays, anniversaries and special occasions keep coming. You don't want to let another birthday or anniversary pass without giving your loved one something, so what can you do for them?

Romantic coupons - or a book of them - can be the best way to really give your loved one something they will enjoy for a long time, and you don't have to spend a lot of money to make it. So what are you waiting for? Why not get creative and start thinking about some of the wonderful romantic ideas you can come up with?

Oh, and, by the way, this idea can work when you're giving to guys, too. Just make sure to choose things that you're not so thrilled about, but would do for him.

Ideas for guys

Maybe your guy is a natural born romantic and maybe he's not, but the key is to remember that giving a romantic coupon booklet has to do with the things that he loves. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • One hot steamy kiss
  • An hour long massage
  • One night watching the movie of his choice
  • One afternoon watching all the football (or whatever his favorite sport is) he wants
  • Breakfast in bed
  • Time for just the two of you
  • A day as his "personal slave"

These are just a few things to get you started, but of course you can use your imagination here and add things that you know he will like. Just make sure that everything you put on the romantic coupons is something that you would enjoy doing for him, and not something that you're not likely to do. Also, remember that these are gifts, but you don't have to give him a coupon for something that will embarrass you or make you uncomfortable.

Ideas for girls

Guys, you might think that you know the love of your life, and it's likely that she's going to love when you offer to clean the bathroom or vacuum the living room, but women love to be pampered, so think about the things that she might really like before you make your romantic coupons for her.

Here are you ideas for love coupons which you could consider:

  • Two free hair washings
  • An hour brushing her hair and / or a scalp massage
  • An hour long massage
  • Downtime to do what she wants (this is especially great for moms who don't have much time)
  • A romantic picnic for two
  • A night to watch the movie of her choice (no matter how much you hate "chick flicks")
  • Breakfast in bed
  • A day as her "personal slave"

It's much easier to be romantic for women because most of the time, it's the little things that really count for her, so while you might be planning a big night on the town, she might wind up better enjoying having her hair brushed and watching a tear jerker with you.

When you get creative with romantic coupons and even make a book of it, you'll be able to guarantee that you're giving a great gift over and over again.

Have fun with those coupons of love and romance!

Read More: Love Coupons for Valentine's Day | Homemade Gift Certificates | Various Love and Romance Ideas | Romantic Gifts and Presents | Dates and Dating | Songs and Movies | Getaways and Vacations | Other Romantic Ideas | Valentine's Day Ideas, Activities and Romance | Valentine's Day Gifts and Cards | Various Valentine's Day Ideas to Celebrate Romantic Love | Home Page | Site Search

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Romantic Anniversary Ideas for a Wonderful Celebration

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